Wednesday, August 28, 2019


UK PERSONAL STATEMENT(4000 CHARACTERS), TEACHER REFERENCE - Essay Example Having successfully completed the International Baccalaureate, a highly demanding and comprehensive course, I hope to continue my academic journey in the field of my interest. Besides textbook learning, IB equipped me with extracurricular skills in three different areas-creativity, action and service, helping me develop as a versatile and a well-balanced individual. The creativity component of CAS was the area that I found most enjoyable and fulfilling. It allowed me to pursue my passion for theatre, consequently obtaining a main role in the Senior School Performing Arts festival. Later I performed in various other festivals such as the Broadway Chorus, the Boarders Play as well as helping out in the middle school house music festivals. During the past two years, I undertook and attended forums on world issues, participated in Model United Nations conferences and debates which helped me foster a deeper understanding of world issues such as poverty, human rights and globalisation. The editorial position with the school magazine also heightened my understanding of teamwork and management. As part of service, I participated in groups such as Amnesty International and Bombs Begone, a charity working to remove the landmines in Cambodia.

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